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Open innovation challenge

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Our research process

We conducted an intensive research study with a variety of experts and patients about the lack of continuity of care in Colombia. 

In order to identify the critical challenges to continuity of care in Colombia, we conducted an intensive research study. 

We interviewed with diverse groups throughout the healthcare ecosystem including Government officials, Public Payer, Healthcare Experts, Healthcare Providers, Patient Associations, Patients, and Innovation experts.

We have also synthesized desk research including existing studies, Current statistics for each country, Global studies on healthtech, and Innovation network for each country.

Colombia's innovation challenges

We've identified three key challenges specific to the Colombian healthcare system. 

Every country in Latin America faces a  unique set of problems. Therefore, we have taken the 8 opportunity areas and combined them in a way that is tailored them each country, resulting in three specific challenges. These are the starting point for the open innovation challenge. 

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View our research documents

Learn more about the problem space and how these challenges were formed in our full reports.

Colombia Patient Journey - EM

Patient Journey Maps

The Colombia challenge focuses on two critical diseases - breast cancer and multiple sclerosis. We have created patient journey maps from pre-diagnosis through treatment to co-existing with the disease. 

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Colombia Innovation Challenges

Read more about each of the three innovation challenges on our public miro board. You can choose any of these three to solve for when applying for the open innovation challenge.

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Care Continuity Research Report

Download our full research report on the state of care continuity in Colombia. There are 8 key areas of opportunity related to critical painpoints in the patient journey, and are ripe for systemic innovation.


The Program

Read more about what makes our program unique, and what it has to offer to you.


The Application

See what is required to submit an application, and apply today!

Apply to the program today

We're looking to support high-impact startups that are solving one of these challenges.

We are looking for Colombian startups that are solving these challenges to apply to the innovation challenge. The top three teams will be admitted into our Incubator program beginning March 2021, and their concepts will be given the support and partnerships needed to take their ideas to the next level.

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